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How to Prepare for a Piercing

Piercing Updated December 21, 2023

Getting a new piercing is exciting! It is important to prepare properly to ensure a smooth and successful experience. From choosing the right piercing style to eating prior to your appointment on the day of the appointment, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare beforehand.

Know What Piercing Style You Want

The first step in preparing for your piercing appointment is to have a clear idea of the style you want. Research different piercing options, consider your personal style, and take into account factors like pain tolerance and healing time. This knowledge will not only help you communicate effectively with your piercer but also make the overall process more enjoyable.

  • different types of ear piercings
    Ear Piercings

Be Well Rested:

A good night’s sleep can impact your body’s ability to handle adrenaline and heal efficiently. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep the night before your appointment to ensure you are well-rested and prepared for the experience.

Eat Within 4-6 Hours of Your Appointment:

Eating a nutritious meal before your piercing appointment is essential. Having a balanced meal 4-6 hours prior to the procedure helps stabilise your blood sugar levels, preventing dizziness or lightheadedness during the process. We recommend avoiding heavy or greasy foods, or eating less than 30 minutes before your appointment as this may cause discomfort. If you haven’t eaten prior to coming into your appointment, one of our team will give you a lolly to boost your blood sugar levels back up.



Drink Plenty of Water:

Hydration is key to maintaining your overall well-being, and this holds true when preparing for a piercing. Drink a healthy amount of water throughout the day leading up to your appointment. Proper hydration promotes better healing and can help minimise discomfort during the piercing procedure.


Do Not Consume or Be Under the Influence of Alcohol:

Consuming alcohol before a piercing appointment is a big no-no. Alcohol can thin your blood, increasing the likelihood of excessive bleeding during the procedure. Additionally, being under the influence of alcohol impairs judgment and coordination, posing a safety risk for both you and the piercer.

Avoid Caffeine or Any Blood Thinners:

Caffeine, in coffee, tea, and some energy drinks, can increase blood flow, potentially causing more bleeding than usual during the piercing process. Similarly, blood-thinning medications like aspirin and ibuprofen should be avoided as they can also lead to increased bleeding. Steer clear of these substances for at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Do Not Get Pierced If You’re Using Certain Medications:

Certain medications can interfere with the piercing process or hinder the healing afterward. We highly recommend always consulting with your healthcare provider or your piercer to determine if any medications you’re taking might pose a risk.

Bring Valid Identification:

The legal age requirements for ear and body piercing vary across states in Australia. In this blog, you will find a complete list of the piercings you can get based on your age in Australia. It is always important to check piercing age requirements in your state, and to bring valid identification for the appointment. Read more about piercing age requirements here.

Submit Your Piercing Consent Form Online:

Essential Beauty & Piercing offers online consent forms to streamline the process. You can take advantage of this convenience by submitting your piercing consent form online before your appointment. This not only saves time but also allows you to carefully review the terms and conditions in advance.


Secure Your Appointment Online:

We always recommend booking your upcoming appointment online using our online booking tool, this allows you to lock in your exact time and plan your day. Arrive a little earlier than your scheduled time to allow for check-in and to allow plenty of time to view piercing options or to discuss piercing upgrades. This extra time ensures a relaxed experience!

Preparing for a piercing involves more than just choosing a design; it’s about taking care of your physical and mental well-being to ensure a smooth experience. By following these steps, you’ll set the stage for a positive and memorable piercing journey. Remember, communication with your piercer is key, so feel free to ask questions and voice any concerns you may have before, during, or after the procedure.

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