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Piercing Aftercare

Welcome to your piercing aftercare journey! Follow the instructions outlined on this page to help your new piercing heal.

Our 2 Step Sterilear Piercing Spray system has been designed to provide optimum healing for ear and body piercings for the first month after your piercing, and can then be used throughout the healing process to clean and care for your piercings. Use Sterilear Step 1 & Sterilear Step 2 to care for your piercing during the healing process.

See our top tips below to best take care of your latest piercing addition!

Weeks 1 & 2 after your piercing

Use Sterilear Step 1: Clean Spray for the first two weeks:
  • Antiseptic ingredients (Benzalkonium Chloride)
  • Cleans and washes away dried discharge, crust and secretions.
  • Hygienic aseptic pump pack
  • Alcohol free
  • Spray sparingly. Rinse gently after use
What not to do:
  • Do not twist, turn or rotate the jewellery
  • Avoid swimming for the first two weeks after a piercing. If you must go swimming, we recommend covering your piercing with a waterproof band-aid and spray with Sterilear Step 1: Clean after exiting the water and removing the band-aid.
  • You should not remove the jewellery from your body piercing before your changeover time (initial healing period) as the piercing hole will immediately start to close and you may not be able to get jewellery back in.
  • If you must change your jewellery we recommend visiting a professional body piercer in your local Essential Beauty salon to help select the correct jewellery and insert it for you.
  • Do not use Dettol, Betadine, hydrogen peroxide, disinfectants, soaps, tea tree oil and alcohol to clean your piercing. These products can dry out, irritate and burn the pierced area.
  • Avoid using personal care products on or around the piercing including makeup, body lotion and perfumes.

Weeks 3 onwards after piercing

Use Sterilear Step 2: Care Spray from week 3 onwards.
  • Spray sparingly.
  • Enhanced formula enriched with Aloe Vera, Lavender and Vitamin E to soothe the skin
  • Alcohol free
  • Contains Peppermint oil with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
What not to do:
  • Do not twist, turn or rotate the jewellery
  • You should not remove the jewellery from your body piercing before your changeover time (initial healing period) as the piercing hole will immediately start to close and you may not be able to get jewellery back in.
  • If you must change your jewellery we recommend visiting a professional body piercer in your local Essential Beauty salon to help select the correct jewellery and insert it for you.
  • Do not use Dettol, Betadine, hydrogen peroxide, disinfectants, soaps, tea tree oil and alcohol to clean your piercing. These products can dry out, irritate and burn the pierced area.
  • Avoid using personal care products on or around the piercing including makeup, body lotion and perfumes.

Jewellery changeover times

Jewellery changeover and healing times are two very different things. Depending on your piercing, healing may take up to 24 months. Jewellery changeover times refers to the timeframe you should wait until you downsize your initial piercing jewellery. However, you should always maintain jewellery in the piercing at all times. Taking out your jewellery for even a few minutes may result in the piercing closing over.

Always changeover your jewellery in a clean, sterile environment. Within the first 24 hours, care must be taken when changing jewellery over (if bleeding occurs, please use Sterilear Step 1).

Healing times can vary from person to person, and will also depend on how you follow our recommended aftercare. We recommend keeping jewellery in your piercing for 24 months post appointment to avoid your piercing from closing over.

How long until I can change my jewellery?

6-12 weeks*

*Please note: these times are general and healing varies for the individual. If you are unsure, visit our Piercing Experts to consult and advise.

After the time listed above, you may be able to remove your jewellery for a short time for a changeover. However, your piercing may begin to shrink. We cannot give you an exact time for how long you can remove your jewellery before it becomes difficult to reinsert. This varies between people.

All jewellery purchased from Essential Beauty comes with a free jewellery changeover, visit your local Essential Beauty salon to redeem.

What’s normal during healing?

  • Some discharge or secretions around the jewellery and piercing is normal. This is the body’s natural defence system working to repair and protect the piercing. Any scabs or dried discharge will wash away when Sterilear piercing spray is used regularly.
  • Skin can “stick” to the jewellery. It will dislodge once the outer layer of skin around the piercing has healed.
  • A small amount of swelling is normal, providing the jewellery does not sink into the skin. We pierce with larger jewellery to allow for possible swelling.
  • Some minor pain.
  • If you have any concerns call your local salon.

Please Note: Even in the strictest conditions, infections can occur. If you notice any changes in your piercing please visit your nearest Essential Beauty salon as soon as possible. If you follow all aftercare instructions, the chances of infection are very low.

Extra aftercare hints and tips

Sleeping with new piercings

Keep your sheets and pillows clean. Bacteria can all be transferred from bedding and get inside your fresh piercings. Make sure your sheets are cleaned and changed quite frequently to prevent any problems.

If you’ve had your ears pierced, sleeping on your back is ideal, but you can also use a U-shaped travel neck pillow so that you can sleep on your side by placing your ear in the travel pillow hole.

Jewellery Changeover

Unless you’re experiencing a problem with the size, style, or material of the jewellery you’ve been pierced with, leave it in for the entire jewellery changeover period. Visit your local Essential Beauty salon for our Piercing Experts to perform any jewellery changeover that becomes necessary.

Visit your local Essential Beauty if your jewellery must be removed for a medical procedure. There are jewellery alternatives available such as clear Bioplast retainers that are not visible in x-rays and can be worn during most surgeries.

Downsizing your jewellery

Most piercings require jewellery that is longer in length if a labret or barbell or wider in diameter for rings to allow room for swelling around the piercing. This is a necessary precaution to prevent jewellery from sinking into the skin if swelling occurs.

It is important that you don’t leave larger jewellery in for an extended period of time after your piercing as healed. Visit an Essential Beauty salon to purchase downsized jewellery. All jewellery purchased from Essential Beauty comes with a free jewellery changeover.

Leaving large jewellery in after your piercing has finished healing will make it prone to catching or snagging on your hair and clothing, and pushing down on the skin when sleeping. This trauma may cause piercing bumps that can lead to migration of your piercing.

Piercing Bumps

Piercing bumps or trauma bumps can be caused from friction from clothing, towels, loofahs, playing with the jewellery, knocking the piercing, and overcleaning. If you do experience a piercing bump, we highly recommend our Calm Piercing Bump Treatment Dots, perfect to wear over your piercing.

Extra piercing aftercare tips for tongue, dermal and septum

Tongue & Lip Piercings

Rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash and Difflam Anti-inflammatory Gargle (separately) at least 3 times a day, after eating. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol during healing. Swelling and discomfort are to be expected for a few days.

Dermal or Surface Piercings

Leave the dressing on for 24 hours then remove it. The dressing should be worn during the night for the first 7–10 nights. Do not undertake any form of tanning while the piercing is healing.

Septum Piercings

In weeks 1 & 2 after your septum piercing spray with Sterilear Step 1: Clean, spray 2 – 4 times on each side of your piercing twice a day, tilt your head over the sink to avoid making a mess. Switch to Sterilear Step 2: Care in weeks 3 & 4 to promote healing. Throughout the healing process do not pick or scratch off any scabs that form, scabs will naturally dislodge once the outer layer of skin around the piercing starts to heal. Ensure you take extra care when blowing your nose while your piercing is healing.

Do not flip your jewellery up for the first two weeks as this can prolong healing time. If you must have your jewellery flipped up for school or work, tell your piercer during your appointment, they will flip it up for you, but you will need to wear it that way for at least 2 weeks.

Intimate Piercings

Keep your genital piercing clean by spraying with Sterilear Step 1: Clean no more than 1-2 times a day for the first two weeks after piercing.

You will need to take a short break from sex after getting a Christina, VCH, Prince Albert or any other intimate piercing. Oral sex should be especially avoided during the healing period (approx. 2 weeks), as germs and bacteria from bodily fluids can enter the piercing which can lead to infection and prolonged healing time.

Wear breathable underwear that is not too tight, and steer clear of restrictive jeans or activewear. You can also wear a panty liner to protect the area from friction.

If you are using soap on your intimate piercing, ensure you’re using a gentle, fragrance-free soap without any harsh chemicals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting a new piercing can spark a lot of questions, we're here to help!
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What do I do if my piercing has a bump on it?

Piercing bumps can pop up at any time and can occur due to any number of things that can irritate and aggravate your piercing, the most common being touching or playing with jewellery.

  • Ask one of our Piercing Specialists to change your jewellery to Titanium (nickel-free), cobalt-chrome (nickel-free, or Bioplast (nickel-free, medical grade plastic).
  • Reduce knocking or bumping your piercing.
  • Avoid excessive cleansing and continue using Sterilear Step 2: Care.
  • Use Bump Discs which provide pressure and help reduce inflammation.
  • Use our Calm – Piercing Bump Treatment Dots on your piercing bump to help reduce redness and swelling. Plus, we have a great range of Bump Dots to treat pimples, blemishes, ingrown hairs and any other fluid-filled bumps on the skin as they draw out any fluid or moisture.
  • Read our full piercing aftercare information here


Need help on treating a piercing infection? Check out our blog here!

When can I change my child’s jewellery?

It is best to leave the initial piercing jewellery in until the initial healing period has passed. The average healing time for ear lobes is 6-8 weeks, this is a guide and may vary between each individual. We have such a huge range of different colours and styles available for Children’s Ear Piercing! It is important that you do not change jewellery before this period of time has passed, it is important to note that lobe piercings can take even longer to heal in some instances and it’s always best to check with a piercer in salon if you’re unsure.

If you are confident that the piercing has healed enough to change the jewellery over, it is important that you do not leave jewellery out of the piercing for long periods of time as the piercing can start to close almost immediately after the jewellery has been removed.

We sell a range of hypoallergenic jewellery styles for kids in our salons, so if you’re wanting to change your child’s jewellery come back and see us!

Can I go swimming with a new piercing?

For piercings to heal it is important that the area remains clean, dry, and away from areas that may transfer bacteria. We recommend avoiding swimming for the first two weeks after a new piercing. If you must go swimming, we suggest covering your new piercing with a waterproof band-aid (be mindful of your jewellery!). We also recommend that you spray the piercing with Sterilear Step 1: Clean after leaving the water and removing the band-aid.

Read more about swimming with a piercing

Click here to read our full piercing aftercare instructions

Do I take out jewellery to clean my piercing?

You should not remove your body jewellery for any amount of time while your piercing is still healing. You do not need to remove the jewellery in your piercing to clean it as this may irritate the area and allow harmful bacteria to enter, not to mention that your piercing will start to close immediately. To clean your piercing, spray front and back for the directed periods of time on the bottle, and spray directly over the piercing and jewellery.

How long will my piercing take to heal?

Healing time is different depending on the part of your body that you get pierced, it may take up to 24 months. Areas that are softer, with no cartilage, such as ear lobes, will heal faster than other areas. Healing times can vary from person to person and will also depend on how well you follow our recommended aftercare instructions. Any piercing can take up to a year or even longer to heal. After these recommended time frames, you may be ready to change over your piercing jewellery:

Ear lobes & tongue: 1–2 months
Lip/labret: 6-8 weeks for initial healing
Belly/navel: 6–12 months
Eyebrownose, & dermal: 2–4 months
Septum: 3–4 months
Surface: 3–6 months
Monroe & cheeks: 3–5 months
Nipple & genital: 4–6 months

After the times listed above, you may be able to remove your jewellery for a short time. However, your piercing may begin to shrink. We cannot give you an exact time for how long you can remove your jewellery before it becomes difficult to reinsert. This varies between people. Just remember – never force jewellery into a piercing that has shrunk. If you have any questions, please visit the piercing experts at your local Essential Beauty & Piercing salon.

For more details visit our piercing aftercare page.

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